Everyone is busy coming to terms with the self isolation we are all going through and trying to organise themselves in one way or another and so I was absolutely delighted to receive 18 entries into the first of my “Creating A Buzz About The Honeybees” competition.

Amelie - age 8 -

Amelie - age 8 -

To be absolutely fair, I sent all the entries to the illustrator, (Tegan Sharrard ), who did the wonderful drawings in Betsie Valentine And The Honeybees, to ask her to choose the winner.

And she chose…. AMELIE, and below is why…

“I chose Amelie’s picture because “I thought it was really creative and while it may not have been technically correct I like her piece of artwork. I also like Ethan’s.”


Ethan - age 6 -

Ethan - age 6 -

Now for those of you who follow my blog you will have heard Amelie’s name mentioned on many occasions as she is the young girl I will be mentoring this year in her quest to become a beekeeper as soon as we are all released from self isolation.

As Amelie already has a copy of ‘Betsie Valentine And The Honeybees’ she will receive a copy of any one of the illustrations, signed by Tegan Sharrard, of her own choosing from the book.

Ethan, therefore will receive the signed copy of ‘Betsie Valentine And The Honeybees.’

Well done to both of you.

If you would like to enter this Friday’s Competition simply click on this link: blog and look at “CREATING A BUZZ COMPETITION NO.2.” You don’t have to enter the competition, you can simply learn about the beehive.

Below are the entries I received. Thank you all for entering.


Meriet Duncan