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This Friday’s competition is a colouring competition to celebrate all those who have served and continue to serve in Her Majesty’s Forces, and to the NHS workers, Carers and all key workers who are serving as our front line forces right now.

Down load or screen grab this beautiful drawing of a pollen rainbow by Tegan Sharrard, the illustrator of ‘Betsie Valentine And The Honeybees.’ Colour it in, use paint, crayons, sparkles, jewels - whatever you want to create a beautiful rainbow; take a picture of it and send it to me @

Tegan will choose the winner who will receive a signed copy of the rainbow print by Tegan

The winner and winning picture will be announced next Friday!

Good luck!

NB… Please note that due to the Covid-19 there could be a slight delay in receiving the prize.

Rainbow of Pollen for colouring.jpg
Meriet Duncan